Antipsychotics Hematological Toxicity Assays

Antipsychotics Hematological Toxicity Assays


Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in implementing ADME and toxicology testing programs for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, consumer health, and other industries. For all of our clients, we are committed to helping you solve your project problems and help your team make quick and effective decisions.

The Importance of Hematological Toxicity Analysis of Antipsychotic Drugs

Almost all types of psychotropic drugs cause blood disorders such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, granulocyte deficiency, severe neutropenia, and allohemocytopenia. Therefore, hematologic toxicology studies are an important and necessary aspect of antipsychotic drug development, and they are conducted to ensure that drugs are considered safe prior to patient administration and use in clinical trials.

Fig. 1 Chlorpromazine-induced inhibition of CME arrests development of thymocytes.Fig. 1 Chlorpromazine-induced inhibition of CME arrests development of thymocytes. (Łyszkiewicz M, et al., 2020)

Hematological Toxicity Analysis Services

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive end-to-end testing throughout the discovery and development process of antipsychotic drugs. We use our predefined panels to assess metabolic profiles, stability, metabolite identification, bioavailability, drug transport, hematotoxicity, and safety pharmacology. We have the most trusted platform for hematotoxicity screening and testing in areas ranging from early drug development to preclinical animal studies. Our high-throughput, liquid processor instruments provide the accuracy, sensitivity, and precision required to detect rare stem cell populations. In addition, we incorporate ATP bioluminescence technology to determine the potential toxicity required by the biopharmaceutical industry in a reliable and reproducible manner.

Hematological Toxicity Analysis and Mechanism Study

We also focus on in vitro assays on hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to measure the potentially toxic effects of candidate therapies, including small molecule compounds and biologics. Mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells, key components of bone, fat, and cartilage production, can also be tested in colony-forming unit-fibroblast assays to predict possible cytotoxic effects. In addition, we can provide studies on the hematological mechanisms of toxicity of antipsychotic drugs, such as direct toxic effects on bone marrow, antibody formation against hematopoietic precursors, or involving peripheral cell destruction.

Why Choose Us?

  • Cost-effective, high-quality, reproducible data available
  • Off-the-shelf, time-saving, cost-effective solutions for small molecules, biologics, and more
  • Flexible, customized solutions to meet your specific needs

Our Workflow

  • One-on-one client consultation
  • Preparation of proposals that clearly define project scope, schedule, and cost
  • Experiment execution and data analysis
  • Preparation of final report

Ace Therapeutics' scientists have extensive experience in consulting, designing, and executing custom hematotoxicity testing programs for antipsychotic drugs. We can provide custom programs from start to finish and flexible custom solutions to meet your specific testing needs. Assessing potential compound-mediated toxicity in the early stages of drug discovery can help reduce drug attrition in later stages of development. Wherever you are in the drug discovery process, we can take you where you want and need to be. If you are interested in this service, please make an inquiry to learn how we can support you in your project.


  1. Łyszkiewicz M, et al. Human FCHO1 deficiency reveals role for clathrin-mediated endocytosis in development and function of T cells [published correction appears in Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 20;11(1):1963]. Nat Commun. 2020, 11(1):1031.


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