Exploration of the Role of PSD-95 in Stroke

PSD-95 is a major component of the postsynaptic density, which shapes the framework for a variety of proteins at excitatory synapses and is central to glutamatergic prominence signaling. Therefore, it plays an important role in stroke-induced excitotoxicity. In addition, PSD-95 is an important protein for maintaining the normal neuronal physiological function, and it is closely associated with processes such as brain plasticity, learning, and memory. In ischemic stroke models, the expression of PSD-95 is significantly decreased and is currently thought to be associated with excitotoxicity, but the exact mechanism is not yet known. Ace Therapeutics provides a complete service to facilitate your research exploring the role of PSD-95 in the development of stroke.

Exploration of the Role of PSD-95 in Stroke

Exploration of the Role of PSD-95 in Stroke

Given the different roles of PSD-95 in stroke onset, Ace Therapeutics offers different services to explore its complex mechanisms of action. The most widely studied role of PSD-95 in stroke is that PSD-95 in the form of PSD-95-GluN2B-nNOS complex regulates the excitotoxic process induced by stroke. Ace Therapeutics has established in vitro and in vivo excitotoxicity models with abnormal PSD-95 expression by drug administration or genetic manipulation to investigate the role of PSD-95 in the process of excitotoxicity. In contrast, other roles of PSD-95 in the pathological process of stroke are not well understood. To explore other roles of PSD-95 in the stroke process, Ace Therapeutics provide in vitro and in vivo stroke models with abnormal PSD-95 expression.

  • We screen for PSD-95-mediated pathways associated with stroke pathology by PCR microarray, protein microarray or RNA-seq binding pathway, or GSEA enrichment analysis.
  • The effect of aberrant expression of PSD-95 on candidate signaling pathways is determined by qPCR, northern blotting western blotting, and other methods to detect changes in expression, localization, and activity of these pathways.
  • The molecular co-expression correlation, molecular interactions, and molecular localization assays are used to further clarify the specific roles of candidate molecules in the pathological process of stroke involving PSD-95.
  • We offer neuronal activity tests, biomarker assays, infarct volume measurements, and behavioral tests to assess the effect of PSD-95 on stroke.

Workflow diagram to identify the mechanism of action of PSD-95 in stroke.Fig. 1 Workflow diagram to identify the mechanism of action of PSD-95 in stroke.

Ace Therapeutics has a rich collection of cell lines for in vitro studies of stroke, such as astrocytes, PC-12 cells. In addition, we have a wide variety of experimental animals such as fruit flies, zebrafish, mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, and non-human primates. Based on the abundance of cells and experimental animals, we can provide a variety of in vitro and in vivo excitotoxicity models and stroke models to ensure the scientific validity and accuracy of your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

  1. Ugalde-Triviño, L.Díaz-Guerra, M., Psd-95: An effective target for stroke therapy using neuroprotective peptides. Int J Mol Sci, 2021. 22(22).
  2. Ayuso-Dolado, S., et al., A novel cell-penetrating peptide targeting calpain-cleavage of psd-95 induced by excitotoxicity improves neurological outcome after stroke. Theranostics, 2021. 11(14): p. 6746-6765.
All of our services are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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